Good to see some interest in this, and gratified to see some long time members as well as newer members thinking about this!
I wanted to clarify something: While you have until Jan 31st to enter the contest, you certainly do not have to have all of your parts on hand by that time. Many of you will be fabricating as you go along. We've seen entry photos with nothing more than a pile of tubing, so as long as you enter with a photo of the secret object, and any parts you have, you're okay.
I didn't mention anything about a sign with 2019 OldMiniBikes and class like we have done in the past, and quite frankly, don't see a requirement for it, because you'll have that secret object in your photo. You will select your class from the drop down menu that Hent created above, when creating your build thread.
@Hent I am no longer a Face Book member, so any kinkage, shrinkage, or linkage involving that hallowed cyber s-hole and this august forum will need to be done by someone less curmudgeonly than myself.
I wanted to clarify something: While you have until Jan 31st to enter the contest, you certainly do not have to have all of your parts on hand by that time. Many of you will be fabricating as you go along. We've seen entry photos with nothing more than a pile of tubing, so as long as you enter with a photo of the secret object, and any parts you have, you're okay.
I didn't mention anything about a sign with 2019 OldMiniBikes and class like we have done in the past, and quite frankly, don't see a requirement for it, because you'll have that secret object in your photo. You will select your class from the drop down menu that Hent created above, when creating your build thread.
@Hent I am no longer a Face Book member, so any kinkage, shrinkage, or linkage involving that hallowed cyber s-hole and this august forum will need to be done by someone less curmudgeonly than myself.