Pocket bike

Ok so is there away to switch the direction of the free spin for rear tire I got a hinporformancw 49cc motor and from what it looks like from how the clutch engages I need to put the carb facing the rear tire rite? But if I do that the tire will go. into free spin in reverse and I need it to go the other way howndo u do
Can you remove the wheel, remove the sprocket and flip it over? If not, you could flip the wheel and put the sprocket in the other side and install a jackshaft to move your chain over there.
Or just disable the one-way bearing. (weld it or find a bolt on sprocket.)
The key question is which direction the engine's output shaft spins. When you pull the rope, the engine needs to spin the same way an the back tire, rolling forward.
I have electric scooters and a couple of electric dirt bikes with one way/freewheel sprockets. Never saw one on a gas bike.