Randy got the new test today!

,ok,the doctors / hospitals all agree now it seems,
1 fibromyalgia
2 the MS
3 he has had sleep apnea, for that the machine wont help,since most times
he cant breath out of his nose whyl sleeping,
so now they are starting him on a plan to help him live with it,the doctors
say he wont get better,but with theapy he can have a better life,
i shure hope it works,they say this all stems from some accedents he had
years ago,when his back was opperated on 15 or so years ago,they would
not take care of all the threapy he needed,thats it guys & gals i hope
someday that !@#$%^&*()_++)*&^%$#@!"'"':<><><><><><><><><><>
has to pay for the people they mesed up,its ALAGAYNE INS CO
randy got hurt at the garage were he worked,and to get the operation he
needed,he had to go to court in harrisburg, it took a juge to force the ins
co to let the segurn operate, dont for get ALAGAYNE get your co to get
away from the scags, old grumpy wayne,cant help it.
Wayne, thanks for keeping us up to date on Randy. Tell him we all are thinking about him and hope all goes well.We sure miss him around here.
they have full face maskes for the CPAP and BPAP machines to fix the sleep apnea. It is important to get sleep. I used to use one and my mouth started opening letting the air back out and giving me the worst dry mouth. Full face mask fixed that.
Did an analysis of a spinal tap reveal the MS Wayne? That and an MRI revealed mine after ignoring symptoms for years which did untold damage going untreated. Glad his docs caught it.:thumbsup:

I cannot tell you it's easy because that would be a lie, however with the three F's Randy will be fine. Family, Faith, and Friends.:thumbsup: