Remembering Memorial Day.


Well-Known Member
Pretty awesome! As long as you remember him he’s always here…

my wife’s dad stormed the beach at Normandy…he survived….they say when he came home he wanted to see his mom so bad and the ferry across the river was out…so he swam across the little kanawha river to see her!
Those guys from back then meant business and were tough as nails. That alone is something to celebrate.

I think the first half of twentieth century American history is interesting. I regret not talking to and asking questions when I was younger to those who lived during this period. Especially WW2 vets.
F4RADAR Thank you for sharing such personal artifacts. All of those brave souls who served and did not return in order to protect our freedom deserve the utmost respect. We can be proud and honor their memory today. Thank You All.


Well-Known Member
F4RADAR Thank you for sharing such personal artifacts. All of those brave souls who served and did not return in order to protect our freedom deserve the utmost respect. We can be proud and honor their memory today. Thank You All.
Frankly, I'm worried about these articles... Once prized possessions now just waiting for time to render them moot. Dust to Dust as they say.
Here are some items and photo's of my grandfather who served during WWII in the south pacific. He was a tank commander and enlisted when he was 17 years old and served till the end of the war in the 635th Platoon United States Marine Corp. He passed away when I was 7, but I still remember the stories he told me. The memories this brings back to me is emotional. I have the flag given to my grandmother after his military funeral in 1985, the shell casing from the 21 gun salute, and some photo's he was able to return home of him and his close brothers in service. IMG_0407.JPG IMG_0408.JPG IMG_0409.JPG IMG_0410.JPG IMG_0411.JPG
I am a disabled US Marine. My memories and the friends that I will never see again remind me constantly that I am indeed, one of the lucky ones, who fought for our country and came back home to the greatest country on Earth. This holiday is about those brave men and women who gave all they had to keep this country GREAT.
Enjoy your FREEDOM this weekend and forever. And to my fellow vets, Thank you!
Thank you to all the Veterans who served our country to keep our freedom. My father, who served in Italy, came home to a long life that was filled with night sweats, nightmares and bouts of severe nerve issues. In our house we understood the lifelong affects of a combat veteran. He and my Mother never missed a Memorial Day service in our little town. Even in their last years when in a local nursing home, they would still attend and honor his fellow comrades. God bless each man and woman who serves. Screenshot_20230528-215550_Facebook.jpg