Skat Kitty need help identifying the year and model and looking for parts

I recently bought this Skat Kitty and don't know too much about it other than what I have been reading. On the left side it says SKAT KITTY SLM I think its SLM. On the oppoite side it has SK 2571 near the kickstand. PAT 199480 Does the "71" mean the year it was made? It also has the 5 inch wheels with Goodyear Terra tires. I'm looking for a set of wheels and tires, (at least tires) for this minibike. I also need the original fuel tank for it.
The 5" wheels started in 1967. Serial number doesn't mean much except how the numbers changed over the years. Original motor is the best way to date the bike.
The 5" wheels started in 1967. Serial number doesn't mean much except how the numbers changed over the years. Original motor is the best way to date the bike.
The original engine was not on the frame according to the previous owner. He claims it was just a frame and he put it back together buying parts from online and bought the engine as a NOS from Mark Detro. So there’s really no way I can tell what year this was actually made then?
The 5" wheels started in 1967. Serial number doesn't mean much except how the numbers changed over the years. Original motor is the best way to date the bike.
I heard they made several different versions of the bike from A -E models. What’s the difference between each one? I noticed on some they have differences in the frame such as how the jackshaft with disc brake is bolted to the frame. On mine, the frame has a hump where the jackshaft fits into it just ahead of the rear fender. Also the foot peg and brake mechanism differs. I’ve seen some with a rod running along the bottom of the bike and brake mechanism inside the rear sprocket. On mine it has a rod the goes up and over the side of the engine up to the disc brake at the jackshaft. The foot pegs on mine has a bar held in with two U-bolts that’s on the outside of the frame just under the front fender. Other bikes I’ve seen the frame has a hump in the frame ahead of the engine close to the front fender area where the pegs install. Just wondering what models those bikes are. There’s a A, B, C. And the later bikes were D and E I’m thinking