Steel connecting rods?

I was wondering if anyone makes a high performance steel connecting rod for the predator, one of my buddies revs his engine to 6500rpm on the stock rod and refuses to upgrade to a billet aluminum rod, because its aluminum. I also don't want him to learn the hard way that stock rods aren't meant to rev that high, but he says his bearings haven't seized up and broke the rod and he runs his engine hard so his rod is fine. It just comes down to he won't use aluminum rods because they stretch, and he said if i find a steel rod he would happily buy it, but until then he won't change his rod.


Well-Known Member
Let him know that those top fuel dragsters run billet aluminum rods and he will be fine....or maybe we can get someone to weld up some steel rods for him?!:thumbsup:
Ok and thanks and I completely forgot about the jr dragster rods being 7075 t651 aluminum, and i don't know how I remember what type of aluminum theyre made of.
Not just jr dragsters but the big boys to top fuel,funny cars 8,000-10,000hp
A steel connecting rod would weight a lot more the crank counter weights would have to be increased a lot of work to fight a little stretch (0.030")

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Has anyone that runs a Billet aluminum rod in a predator had a rod stretch on them? He doesn't have an extreme build going on so he isn't making extreme power, I know he has a black mamba cam and the springs that come with it, no governor, billet flywheel, header and air filet, along with a honda carb with jets and a gx140 e tube. I don't think he would be laying down enough power to really hurt a billet aluminum rod, but I'm not quite an expert so anything could happen.
I have turned 10,500 rpm with a ARC billet aluminum rod.. Yes, they stretch..all rods do (aluminum just does more). that's why we leave clearance between the piston and head.
Has anyone that runs a Billet aluminum rod in a predator had a rod stretch on them? He doesn't have an extreme build going on so he isn't making extreme power, I know he has a black mamba cam and the springs that come with it, no governor, billet flywheel, header and air filet, along with a honda carb with jets and a gx140 e tube. I don't think he would be laying down enough power to really hurt a billet aluminum rod, but I'm not quite an expert so anything could happen.
Enough power to hurt the rod I got a chuckle out of that if you follow the instructions that come with the rod and install it properly that rod will take all you can throw at it

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