stuck triple tree bolt -help?

so for the life of me I cant get the main bolt, that goes though my triple tree through the stem and bolts the forks to the frame out. its lose bottom nut comes off but the bot it self wont budge up or down or round and round lol. its a some what hard to find frame, so I don't want to risk bending the frame or breaking the weld.
I’d smack the threaded end with a rubber mallet…I mean knock the shit out if it…I’d say stuck on the bronze bushing…just a guess[/QUOTE yeah I tried that I put the nut on the end and I hit it with pretty decent force even 1/2 ratchet with breaker bar. to the point any more and I'm a break or bend something
Did you try to screw it out? Put an impact on it…lightly hit the bottom while doing this with your rubber mallet…may even try to shoot it with Gibbs first

just what I’ve had to do at times
yup 3ft breaker bar on it and it wont budge. any more and I'm afraid it will bend the frame or break a weld. it wont turn what so ever but the forks move freely that's the part I don't understand. would think they seized together but nope! really sucks wish I could dip it in a bucket of pb blaster for a week but cant id need a tube full lol. I guess I could just keep spraying it down every few hours for a few days and hope for the best
I use Kroil penetrating oil on all of my rusty treasures.
A good strong impact wrench clockwise for a while, more Kroil, counter clockwise..... It will come out.


Well-Known Member
I’d probably try putting it in my hydraulic H-press and see it that can force the bolt to move without damaging anything. Might need to stack some things up to shim past the fork legs obviously…