I am restoring a Tote Gote 670 Nova. I need to run a pulse line to power the new pump, and I am wondering the best place to do so on this particular engine.
I'm guessing I will need a fuel pump as these bikes came stock with a oldschool mechanical Tecumseh one that ran off the cam, as the tank is lower than the carb inlet on these bikes, and it likely will help performance in hilly terrain. The original H60 Tecumseh was long lost when I bought it, so I am putting a cast iron HH70 on it.
Options I've thought of so far:
1) Tap dipstick tube and run 1/4" barbed fitting as pulse line- not sure how well this would work. I have seen this method on newer riding mowers. I like this because it isn't a permanent mod/risky, but not sure how well it will hold up. Sound easy to perform.
2) Tap carb mounting flange - It isn't very wide and I really don't have enough space to fit even a 1/4" barb there. It could maybe be done but seems risky.
3) Tap top of crankcase cover - I'm afraid oil will get into the pulse line if I mount it here and it requires splitting the case so shavings don't get into the engine as I drill. That's why I thought of the dipstick first.
4) Tap actual carb with 1/4 barb, maybe closest to engine. This smells problematic to me for some reason.
There doesn't seem to be many good places on this particular L head to tap into as everything is pretty tight.
Any input is very welcome. I only need about 8" of lift max. How have you guys ran the pulse line for your engines? :shrug:
I'm guessing I will need a fuel pump as these bikes came stock with a oldschool mechanical Tecumseh one that ran off the cam, as the tank is lower than the carb inlet on these bikes, and it likely will help performance in hilly terrain. The original H60 Tecumseh was long lost when I bought it, so I am putting a cast iron HH70 on it.
Options I've thought of so far:
1) Tap dipstick tube and run 1/4" barbed fitting as pulse line- not sure how well this would work. I have seen this method on newer riding mowers. I like this because it isn't a permanent mod/risky, but not sure how well it will hold up. Sound easy to perform.
2) Tap carb mounting flange - It isn't very wide and I really don't have enough space to fit even a 1/4" barb there. It could maybe be done but seems risky.
3) Tap top of crankcase cover - I'm afraid oil will get into the pulse line if I mount it here and it requires splitting the case so shavings don't get into the engine as I drill. That's why I thought of the dipstick first.
4) Tap actual carb with 1/4 barb, maybe closest to engine. This smells problematic to me for some reason.
There doesn't seem to be many good places on this particular L head to tap into as everything is pretty tight.
Any input is very welcome. I only need about 8" of lift max. How have you guys ran the pulse line for your engines? :shrug: