I was just out cleaning and lubing my chain and wondered what others use for lube.
The last time I lubed it I used the end of a 15 year old can of Honda chain lube. Today I started on what's left of an old can of Maxim chain wax. These were from the days of doing it to the 520 dirt bike chain.
There's a guy on you tube from Arizona that uses grease on his chain. I thought that was odd but if it works for him, then great.
The last time I lubed it I used the end of a 15 year old can of Honda chain lube. Today I started on what's left of an old can of Maxim chain wax. These were from the days of doing it to the 520 dirt bike chain.
There's a guy on you tube from Arizona that uses grease on his chain. I thought that was odd but if it works for him, then great.