ARCO What Model?

I'd almost bet on it being an ARCO. The double bend at the neck,the way the tubes meet at the lower front,and the rear mounts etc.,look that way. Here's one that's close,but not it,unless the cl one is modified

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I thought the axle mounts on the rear and the neck bolt/fork plate looked ARCOish. The extended frame behind the seat is something different.:grind::shrug:
Here's what I was saying. Here's the typical double tube ARCO with a scrub brake,but with the pedal on the other side. They're the only manufacturer,I vcan think of that used the double bend in the frame at the neck, joined the frame with the footpeg bar,and had the horizontal rear mounts. All of the double tube necks and scrub brake mounts look alike. They were also sold with K.E.Z. tags,and Dixco tags,and that created more models,or combinations of other models. I wouldn't mark this one answered til someone shows a pic of one like it with a tag on it.

Me too,but I can't see anything that points to anything else.:smile: Sad thing is there's only about 3 years models in the ads. They were around for about 20+ Here's a rear view of one with the frame overlapping at the rear. They must have used those flaps to hide the overlap on the later double tube frames. Those may have been removed at one time on the one from cl:shrug:. The earlier ones looped there,and didn't need those little flaps. The single tube ones had some stuff to hide there,so they had them too.
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Sure looks like you nailed it jimh, never saw one of those before but I have seen the one with the sprung frame. Those are weird and you see a lot gusseted since it had no pivot point. Arcos made a lot of models and every once in a while I see another I have never seen before. Lots to learn here and you've taught me a lot about Birds but I'm still a bit lost on some. One day we will have all of em cataloged and named if everyone keeps up the great work.:thumbsup: