Best way to clean up aluminum wheels?

Yup, that and light grit sand paper.. a good heavy duty paper like the stuff that goes on belt sanders and stuff works great. I have some I want to say it's 220 grit but a big roll about 14 inches wide, and god knows how many feet long. Must have been at least 25 or whatever a roll is. I got it 15 years ago when I first had my Charger and that thing is STILL going strong.. I've sanded more things than I can begin to count.. And that stuff works great.. It's stiff enough to roll it into little tubes the size of a pencil, or you can tear off little strips 5 inches long and 1/2 inch wide and wrap it around stuff and sand with it.. The light grit makes it so that it can't really hurt the aluminum but will grind it right down to chrome looking bare metal.. Stool wool is very handy for that kind of stuff too...

OH and you can fold and creese it and poke right down into corners with sand paper capabilities... Works great..