Clutch Spring

Just need a spring for now. Don't want to spend much money on this engine. Bike Came with 11 t front, ordered carb kit will get 75-76t rear ( I'll drill it) and stiffer clutch spring. I Think for $50 I can keep the bike running over 28 mph and push a 190 lb adult up hills. That my goal. Started out at $100 think I can do it for $50 ( excluding mistakes)
Next bike I use the 6.5 (cancelled order for clone when the said backordered) cause I found a 5hp Honda in our back ahead. Just want to see if I can pull this off
then engine, then exhaust, then cam, then carb, then valve size :biggrin:
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well after all these posts, i still haven't seen anyone confirm that they are sending you a spring. if you still need it, pm me, i'll slide it in a flat rate envelope and send it to you. Just need $5.00 to cover shipping.
Will do.
Arnt you the man when it comes to the 2.8 ? Jk some people store them in the Trash.
Really want to try that silver spring max t spring.
why dont' you pm promod on here, that's who runs that site. just ask him, instead of asking one of us to guess if we 'think' it will fit. :shrug:
Thanks. Let me catch your lunch can't do drive thru for $5 any more. Send ya a $10 for the hassle. Pay pal or throw a bill in an envelope.
Thanks ,
well after all these posts, i still haven't seen anyone confirm that they are sending you a spring. if you still need it, pm me, i'll slide it in a flat rate envelope and send it to you. Just need $5.00 to cover shipping.
Brad from pro mod left message and said the black spring( not sure if he confused black and silver spring) will work with doodle bud. Said it raises rpm and helps to smooth clutch out. He has used it before on doodlebugs and works quite well.
Thanks for the offer. I'll have to catch your lunch on my way to Corpus Christi( grandma) sometime

well after all these posts, i still haven't seen anyone confirm that they are sending you a spring. if you still need it, pm me, i'll slide it in a flat rate envelope and send it to you. Just need $5.00 to cover shipping.