Craigslist score all cleaned up.

I picked this 69 Rupp Roadster of Craigslist 2 weekends ago. It's missing the gas tank and the original drive. Still has its original tires. Cleaned up pretty good. I would love to find a tank for it and keep the rest the way it is for now. I spent about 5 hours cleaning it. I removed the Toro snowblower gas tank and painted the recoil white to match.

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Well-Known Member
That bike looks great. Miles better than what you started out with. Parts are getting hard to find for those bikes -- so keep your eye out on Ebay for the clutch covers, 2-speeds, and gas tanks. They've been popping up a little more frequently over the past couple of months.

I'm hoping to get my hands on a survivor from the same year sometime soon.