Just a Quick Hello

Hello everyone. I joined the site back in 2011, and was just sort of a lurker, reading posts and gaining knowledge so I could build a mini bike from the frame I had bought. I bought a HF Predator, a Black Mamba Jr. cam, some billet parts, and a boatload of other parts. Now I am about to start building if the weather would ever warm up in Minnesnowta LOL. I bought a 2nd mini bike that I have no idea what it is, so that made two. Then, just recently, I bought a Trail Horse that I think is a GTO 800 without a motor. I would just like to thank all of you who have unknowingly helped me so far. BuckhunterMN
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Snow? Starting to wonder what the color green looks like around here. -24 again this morning in International Falls and glad I am not that far north. Welcome back and show some pics when you can.