Looking for drag frame and or complete drag bike....Let me know what you have!! Pics

new frames

on one of my current projects (the one in the above pic with the wheelie bars, was going to use a 490 stroker etc, but decided to use one of my small blocks... will be selling a few of these frames shortly... have to ship one.. if you are interested will know price after i ship one...

What's the asking price for complete and roller
are you asking me? if so, i will know what i am asking for one in a few days, as i dont like to ship, but am shipping a bike to a friend, so i will know how much it costs, when i do that...

as far as complete, are you saying with motor? because my motor projects are crazy expensive and it would all depend on what you want to spend on a motor... could be several thousand just in a motor... I have one custom billet head motor, which i am certain, would be hard to sell to anyone for even what i have in it...