MTD Trial Flite Project

I received this nearly bare frame MTD Trial Flite as a $35 throw-in during a Rupp deal. I took it and put it behind my shed knowing full well parts would be a long time coming.

At a stand still with this one but things are heating up. I've located a suitable wheel, I think, that's on the way from ebay. Some other parts are close too...

Your looks to be model 703-2 or 753-2. Came with 12" in the front and 10" in the back. Also came with 5hp tec with or with out lighting coil.
The only way to tell if your frame is a 703-2 or a 603-2 is the rake on the fork tube. 30 degrees for 603 and 32 on a 703.
This bike is now officially a roller. Rear wheel and seat installed. The rear is a temp from an old Puch mini. And the seat isnt snapped on as the snaps, all of em, have a snap stuck in em and i cant get em out!! I'll be starting a thread on that one..
