Newbie to this site(:

Heyy! I've never worked on a mini bike before and i got one for free in a go kart trade a did last month. Think it was just sitting in there back yard since the bolts and rims are pretty rusted. I'm usually on DIYGoKart because i know alot about go kart and small engines but not chinese engines so trying to fix that. People are always suprised that i'm a girl that loves go karts and hopefully mini bikes now:) As i been told my mini bike is a Trail Blazer. Pretty good seat some cracks but being in the sun that long in Arizona would have thought it would have disintegrated by that time lol. Anyways would like a list of parts i would need espically the brakes but that will be in a different thread i suppose:)
Thanks and yeah that's what i was thinking to that it was a Bonanza since it has a round sticker up front that someone pained over.
Heres a pic of one of the OldMiniBikes's finest Ladies...Karen's (manchester1) Bonanza. Good luck with your bike....If you do build it take plenty of pics and do a build thread.:thumbsup:
