Reno Wounded Warrior Christmas Project 2014

One of my advertising clients is Double Diamond Athletic Club, an upscale gym here in Reno. Mike Shirley is the owner and I have worked with him for over 9 years. My wife is sales manager there and he also sponsors my minibike events and rideouts. For the last couple years Mike has been playing Santa for the kids of our local wounded vets, he gets the kids' Christmas lists and sends his people out to buy everything. Big screens, xBoxes, bikes, kayaks.....if it's on the list he just says get it. He spent about $9000 on gifts for those kids on top of the free family memberships and personal trainers he assigns to them. Dude is LEGIT. Great client, great man.

I shot this video for him. The music is by my late mother who sat down at the piano on 12/22/1988 and recorded 32 Christmas carols BOOM! no stopping except to turn the cassette tape over. I found that tape in my dad's basement with over 200 other tapes of her performances and compositions after he passed in 2012. You Nova Scotia guys will appreciate this but my mother was a very well known composer/performer of Cape Breton (Nova Scotia) music, which is essentially Scottish ethnic music. I made a website in tribute to her music

I just got approval on the video so here it is:

DDAC Wounded Warrior Xmas 2014