Running issue

I have a Cat 400 and its got a Briggs 3.5 HP engine.

Im not very clever with these motors, but the engine starts up smoothly, but dies under load.

I have new gas, good oil and a clean air filter.

Any possible suggestions for me to check to get this running good.

spark plug breaking down under load?

i have a thread in here with the issues i was having with my briggs and i changed the plug to another used one i had and seemd to fix the issues i was having.

just a thought.
haha we all make mistakes the plug has made isues for me like that on all my engines but i always check basic first so i find its the plug after a minute or 2
Cleaned plug and still the same issue.

It almost seems like the choke is stuck...but after removing the air cleaner, the choke appears to be working perfectly.

Still Stumped!
get a brand new plug! i cleaned my plug for 4 weeks and had issues. and today i rode all day on a new $2.50 plug:scooter: the plug could be broke down internally giving it bad performance.

replace the plug and see if the performance improves if not try adjusting the carb?
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