tec governor removal

hi there i have a tec h40 on my ruttman mini bike that i am putting together
and was wondering if some one could tell me how to remove the governor on so it goes faster
Drain the oil. Take the side cover off (on the clutch/shaft side) The Gov is the plastic gear on the inside of the cover sitting on a stem. Remove the plastic gear and ALL the little parts like the little steel washer.

You can leave the stem and also still use your Gov arm for the carb like before.

Clean while you in there too.:thumbsup:

If you don't want to take your cover off you can slip a wire in the gov spring and bend each end of the wire so the spring wont pull back when the gov pulls back at high RPM. ***Do this with the engine off*** and leave a hair slack in the wire/spring so it doesn't rev on you at idle. The Tec's can handle this mod fine but don't go crazy reving the little bugger.:thumbsup: