Tecumseh HS40 & HS50 .. help need Bronze valve guides Made, can anybody make these

anybody have a lathe who can make some Tecumseh bronze factory size valve guides?? HS40 & HS50 motors

has anybody made valve guides for these Tecumseh motors HS40 & HS50 , i would be interested in like 20 - 50 of them..

i pulled the intake guides out of my HS40 & mic it, inside diameter ID is 1/4 outside diameter is 0.378.5 & the length is 0.972

i know they make over sized valves but i just would like to replace them.. thanks
I've talk to a small engine repair shop before and they said that they normally use the briggs ones. Unfortunately they couldn't recall wich ones. I know. I'm really helpful.
I bought a couple of universal guides from goodson and was going to turn down the od after pulling out the cast iron ones. Then someone (I think atkrider) mentioned that the new replacement tec valves are a few thou narrower than the early ones but the briggs 5hp valves are correct. I bought a briggs set and cut them down cut a retainer groove and problem solved. I can look for the thread if you like. It was called fox and rupp build I think.