Tri-Sport Transformation

ok, so 8 months ago i had never heard of a tri sport. I saw this thing on craigslist for 60 bucks and had to go get it! Took it apart, put it in the corner of the garage and started collecting parts. About 6 weeks ago i pulled it out and started working on it again. Could not find a body for it so was planning to just make some steel fenders. At the last minute i found this body (also on craigslist) listed as a trisport body for 50 bucks. Im still not sure if its a tri sport body or something else because iv never seen one like it. It fit without modification but i did raise body 1 inch, which allowed me to move it back about 3 inches (dident want to feel like i was riding my kids toy). made my own rear support, seat cusions and front fender. bought my son a little manco gocart that came with a spare motor for 100 bucks, used spare on trike and got original motor running on cart. I geared it for about 32 mph but i swear its close to 40. man these things are a blast to ride!! im already working on my 2nd trisport (street legal rts)
front fender is homemade. I bought a piece of diamond plate off the clearance rack at lowes (15 bucks) and rolled the edges over an autobody dolly with a dead blow hammer. the hard part is getting the radius of the wheel once the edges are rolled. will post some pics of the rts soon.
thank you! I thought the mud bug was made by rupp, I have seen them before but always with the short red body. looks like there were 3 models but they only showed pics of the small one.I think that body looks better on my tri sport! (course I might be bias)