Your worst fear?

The rear wheel coming off post got me thinking about what your worst fear is while riding.
mine is the weld breaking at the neck at high speed, I know they're tough but all these 200 plus lb riders cant be normal right?. I haul ass on asphalt most of the time so its something to prepare for.
The rear wheel coming off post got me thinking about what your worst fear is while riding.
mine is the weld breaking at the neck at high speed, I know they're tough but all these 200 plus lb riders cant be normal right?. I haul ass on asphalt most of the time so its something to prepare for.
Hey Prime, I'm just curious. How DO you prepare for your front end falling off at 60 mph? And with regards to welds breaking. A weld done by a competent welder will not break. The weld itself is generally three to four times thick as the parent or surrounding metal and as such has many times more strength than the tubing or plate that it is holding together. What people refer to as a weld breaking is almost always a fatigue fracture of the adjacent metal. This is caused by stresses set up in the steel because of sloppy welding techniques; usually improper cooling, stress relieving, or annealing after the weld is completed. If your welds look like a roll of quarters that have been fanned out then go ahead and ride and don't worry about it. If however, your welds look like spattered pelican shit, then I'd find the best TIG welder in your area and have him re-do or dress up your welds. Notice how I stressed the word TIG. Do not let anyone talk you into wire or stick welds. To put it delicately and at the risk of offending a member or two: continuous wire and stick welding suck for minibike work. Weld with TIG and ride with confidence. Ogy
how do you prepare . Lean back :) my worst fear probrobly the throttle getting stuck on. Most of the time you have enough time to handle the situation but in alot of situations youd be introuble expecially when haulin through the woods. And i dont run a kill switch thats easily accesable on most of my toys. Usually its bail out and hope for the best. Still alot safer than a dirtbike or quad would be
my brothers moped throttle stuck wot and at 30 mph all he could do is pull the front brake :doah: ill i could do is watch as he dumped it
My friend's baja heat bike got stuck WOT, and that was a governor-removed clone. I was on my quad, and we were doing a little trail-to-trail run down the road. The brake on his heat is worthless but there was enough space for him to reach down and hit the kill switch. I was surprised the motor didn't toss a rod because he went screaming by me as the RPM's ran away, had to be doing at least 40 with stock 10:1 gearing.
well i will say this. i ride my bikes in the road once in a while for a few minutes at a time and im real safe about it only because i know how i drive a car :) Iv only come across one minibike rider in the road while driving it was a little girl on a db and the first thought that went through my mind was "geesh get off the road!" lol
throtle stick dont scare me to bad ive had that hapen a few times to me id say is have the rod shoot out an hit me lol or get screwd in the midle of trafic
stigoi is the same guy as strigoi only without an r. haha. How was the trip? There sure was a lot of chaos on here while you were gone. Races in visalia in two weeks, you could be the reporter and narrator of the event, step by step you could point out everyones mistakes, gas offer still holds.:thumbsup: