
  1. D

    can't upload any more pictures

    how do you delete pictures that are uploaded from the upload manager? I cant add any more :confused:
  2. Taco Loco Joe

    Reached my photo upload quota w/ only 145 Pics?

    I'm a supporting member and I'm getting a message saying I've used up my disk space. 145 pics don't seem excessive . The pics are coming off my I pad. What gives? Thanks Joe
  3. Acolytus

    Picture upload errors???

    Every time I try to upload a picture(s) on here, it gives me a red circle with a "!". What is happening? It just started happening too. Someone please help, thanks!
  4. T

    Hello all, newbie here

    Hello everyone, just joined the forum yesterday, i recently picked a little italian mini bike, non runner and looking a bit sad, i was hoping to pick peoples brains on here about it and hopefully find some spares for it, iv been trying and trying to upload pics but it just doesnt happen, the...
  5. S

    harrison wildcat roller for sale

    Harrison wildcat roller no motor no fenders I have the chain guard though located in Louisiana will ship it I can't seem to get the pics to upload but I do have some I can send might consider a trade for a drag setup roller
  6. S

    Timing help needed...

    Hey yall, Cant find any manuals for this engine, and there aint a timing key that I can find, so was hoping yall could give me some hints by to eye-ball it.... And a closeup of the flywheel, this looks to be at top dead center... Thanks yall! Cant upload photos....what the...
  7. ole4

    HELP trying to upload a video

    Trying to upload a video that is 78Mb long. When I go to upload to my album it just sits there for about 4 minutes and then goes back to the upload screen with the link gone. What am I doing wrong?
  8. I

    how to upload photos from computer to thread

    I'm having trouble uploading pics. Can someone help?
  9. micksauto

    Why can't I upload more than the first 2 pics?

    I uploaded 2 pics and after that they don't show up. I don't know what the heck is going on. Am I only allowed 2 pics? I have about 8 I want to upload.
  10. Fat Boy

    Upload Pictures??

    Error creating thumbnail! Error code: 1 Command: "/usr/bin/mogrify" +profile "*" -size 0x100 -quality 70 -geometry 0x100 '/web/sites/admin/oldminibikes.com/public_html/forum/photopost/data/500/thumbs/DSC04825.JPG' Why do I get this when I try to upload a photo ?? Firefox updated...
  11. Tom S.

    Can't Upload Pics

    I haven't had this problem in a long time. I hit a threshold at one point, but then when I became one of the exalted Supporting Members the limit was raised. Have I hit another limit? Stats section says I am currently using 112.98 MB to store 301 uploaded attachments.
  12. superflea

    Pics won't upload

    I took a crap load of pics yesterday and cannot get them to upload. I go to upload photos, hit the browse button, select a pic and then hit submit. The little wheel starts spinning and I get the bar scale and it says sending info to OldMiniBikes. However, I never get any green on the scale and it just...
  13. 13bleed

    upload photos

    for some odd reason i can't seem to upload pics that are bigger than 1.99 mb's. does anybody else have this problem, or know how to fix it or get around it? :scooter:
  14. F

    upload help

    I can not get this site to upload any pics from me. I have created a new album and tried everything that I have read to do and it says that my photo has been uploaded successfully yet no pictures.:sadcrying4: I am frustrated. Please help!
  15. scottneidert

    Trouble uploading pictures

    Hey guy, Just wondering If I am the only one. I am starting a new album for my VT-7 Super Bronc I just finished, and I was able to upload 4 pictures to the album, and that's it. I try to do more, and it goes through the process like everything worked, but then when I go to the album, its not...