Trouble uploading pictures

Hey guy,
Just wondering If I am the only one. I am starting a new album for my VT-7 Super Bronc I just finished, and I was able to upload 4 pictures to the album, and that's it. I try to do more, and it goes through the process like everything worked, but then when I go to the album, its not there, and there are still only four pictures in there. Please let me know if there is something common that I am doing wrong. Thanks.
For the heck of it try uploading an other photo. A different picture all together, into the same album. I have had a few that did that. I skipped over that particular photo and moved on to the next and it loaded. For some reason, in my case, I just ended up with a few photos that would not load. But it did exactly what your talking about.
Good Luck, Randy