Lil Indian century id help? Lots of pics and reading inside


Well-Known Member
did your powder coater, powder coat the frame a chrome be for he did the orange ?
Not sure how he's going to powder coat it,I picked the color from a swatch. If I end up getting a caliper it will be from someone I trust on this site. Too many scammers out there, the only way I do ebay is if someone I know/trust is selling it.


Well-Known Member
I like the bike just the way it is.

This reminds me the word sissy has been deemed offensive. The terms gender creative, pink boy, and tomgirl have been suggested as polite alternatives. "Gender Creative Bar" rather that "Sissy Bar"....yeah, that's the ticket.
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I like the bike just the way it is.

This reminds me the word sissy has been deemed offensive. The terms gender creative, pink boy, and tomgirl have been suggested as polite alternatives. "Gender Creative Bar" rather that "Sissy Bar"....yeah, that's the ticket.
I kinda like the bar to only cuss I can lean back on it and I’m not hunched over. While riding. But sadly the pink is gone and the original color was blue. So that’s what she going to be back to blue. The verdict is still out on the gender creative bar lol but it just bots on and bolts off using the seat mount bolts & the fender mounting bolts. So it’s can be removed. I have a seamstress that worked for the Cleveland that did the head board for LeBron James. I can only imagine how big that was. Also work for Kevin love she said she got no complaints. I said did you get an autograph lol but with 30 plus year experience shes making a few seats for me So I’ve added this one to the list for her. Really wanted to do a metallic blue bottom with black or white top, but think I’m just going to keep it simple with the white and maybe. Diamond stitch pattern top. I’ve seen so many creative seats on these it’s hard to make up my mind.
I also considered this orange and green. May use the green on the next vintage mini I do. View attachment 304991 View attachment 304992
Okay yeah I only asked cuss with those colors they only come out the color card shine if you use a super chrome powder coat base first. From my research in getting mine done. I was going to go with an illusion purple but for not I’m just going to paint it metallic blue. While I gather more parts need to dined a cheap clutch band brake. Along with 4inch mags and chrome fenders. Do you know how wide and how long the stock fenders are maybe I can get lucky and find a set on eBay that’s not specific to the lil Indian that’s the same size.
i'm not the guy on ebay selling the lil indian brakes i called lil indian to day from what i'm told that guy is remaking copy's of the old ones. they recommended a clutch band brake.


Well-Known Member
nope i think ill stay right here.
Nathan, with all that free money you get and the fact you have posed in the past when scamming as a mobile welder (Will.Finley.98 ace fabrication). And a powdercoating company (tristarpowdercoating), and even a pro Tecumseh engine builder in the past I’m surprised all you could do with it is polish the turd that it is with a Chinese engine on it

Usually you just rob other peoples photos for one of your fb scam accounts, at least you manned up this time for a change.
