
  1. L

    About to install the clone...

    I just received my kit from Chris yesterday and I'm gonna put it on today. I was wondering though if I should put rubber washers on it. I seen somebody do this before and it might be helpful for the vibrations. Do yinz suggest I do this? If so, where do I get the washers? Anything else I should...
  2. K

    hard pull start on clone...

    i got a HF 6.5 clone engine. pull start worked good last night but engine would backfire once in awhile. let it sit over night and now it is really hard to pull start, it doesn't want to give. sometime when i pull it will shoot back and out of my hand. can get it started sometimes but does not...
  3. Strigoi

    what is it? i think it needs a clone...

    my roommate just got this for free off a buddy of his. it needs a lot of work but is complete. it's got an HS50 in it that doesn't run right now.