
  1. O

    Hats off to Dick Trotter..

    I got back on my TOTE GOTE project last week after a 5 year break. Dick was right there to help with questions, suggestions..and his assistance with the build. He is an asset to the FORUM..and a help to all of us..I, for one, salute him....Jerry VanHorn
  2. JohnnyTillotson

    So wrong

    This will make those of you who like both vintage tools and vintage small engines ill. Dick! https://runningwithpowertools.wordpress.com/2013/06/27/fueltank-crab-hermit-carb/
  3. scootercat

    R.i.p. Dick trickle....

    Richard Trickle passed away today from an apparent suicide....A N.A.S.C.A.R. Legend and Mentor to fellow Racers and friends....He will be sadly missed....