I dont owe you a dime , if thats the case you owe me for about 200 hrs of labor that i put into your property , plus the money for the blow up motor raffle , plus the tee shirts you gave away , plus the sweat shirts for you never paid for , your just being a fool now phil , It really is sad that you are doing and saying these things , everyone that came up there knows who did all the work up there , who put the events together , you did nothing but collect money from people , then get in trouble with the local law for not getting something as simple as camping permit , then sell the property to Jay thinking you can side step the town rules , so go ahead and cut me down all you want , i feel bad for Jay that you are doing this and killing any chance of ever having events up there with any attendance , western ny mini bike club set there event date so that people could go to both events , that is until you starting sending hate messages to me , the club saw that and it was there choice to either come to your event or not , they choose not , so before you blame me for all your problems take a look in the mirror