Fix or Replace

So I picked up my first project bike off CL and it came with a Tecumseh OHH65 missing the recoil starter. Is it really worth spending the money on a replacement starter when I'm not even positive the engine runs or am I better off just buying a new 6.5hp clone for $100 from HF?


Active Member
Clone will be $80 in on October 1st, 2nd, 3rd... Read about it in the clone section.

I say go with what you want. Clones have proven themselves so far. Its the years of this abuse everybody is unsure of. But for $80 or $100 who cares.
dude get a recoil at a flea market or from your local scapper its basically the same thing as a lawn mower
matter fact if you really want one i can sell you one for 5 bucks plus shipping plus il make sure it works on my friends tecumseh ohv minibike
i would say local scrapper though trust me you would be surprised at the things u can find