i think it's more addicting than crack!

i don't even want to think about how many hours i've wasted playing Fallout 3 in the last week. i've been at it for almost 5 hours total today. :laugh:

if you like rpg/shooter games check it out.
Start walking the dog. Thurs., Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues and Wed. I must have walked 2.5 miles a day. My God my muscles are hurting. Up hills, down hills, over bridges. Nelson's Valor is buff. I muscles feel like jello. Even a Jaccuzzi did nothing. If that JRT don't win Novice Confirmation at the SCJRT Trials I am going to train him ever harder! :hammer:

Strigoi, Congrats on the new house!!! I hate moving, once it's done, you muscles will feel like mine>? :gunsmilie:

Fallout 3

Hey Strigoi, I surprisingly walked into Best Buy a few weeks ago and saw that there was a new fallout. I loved the first two. I also love the Elder Scrolls games that Bethesda has been making for years so I imagine that F3 is awesome. It looks awesome. I did like the old top down approach that Black Isle presented in the original two games though. I recently purchased F1 and F2 on gog.com for $5 each as a download. That site is great, check it out. I am working my way through the original fallout right now. I loved the Mad Max movies too, for whatever reason, I love the whole setting of nuclear fallout and post war. Eventually I will get to F3, I can't wait.