I picked the frame with the wheels and fenders out of the dump around 29 years ago. It sat for several years till my youngest was of the age to have interest. I did what any dad would do and fixed it up for my little girl. She rode it for several years then my son became interested and he rode it for several more. Now it has been sitting in my basement for 8-10 years. I've had many chance to off load it several time but just couldn't bring myself to part with it. Now comes along this forum that I found because of a recent boonie bike acquisition and it sparked an interest in finding out a little more infomation on it. Every photo that I seem to see with the fold down handle bars on lil Indians seem to have a rear suspension. Question is is this what I always thought it was or some sort of imposter?
Any help would be appreciated. Sorry about the dust, after the boonie I'll probably do that one over again and get it ready for the next generation.
Wheel Gun

Any help would be appreciated. Sorry about the dust, after the boonie I'll probably do that one over again and get it ready for the next generation.
Wheel Gun