Need help identifying possibly early Bonham 1960's tote gote's

I'm new to the group, thanks for allowing me in. I have FOUR old tote gotes that I have not been able to identify ANYWHERE. My father acquired them a few years back and they have been in the garage ever since. He traded a fella from Moab UT for something he had in hopes of restoring them, however he is now disabled and we are in need of selling them due to the fact I don't get paid to be the family caretaker. I have done SO much internet research and have found very little on these particular bikes. I feel very strongly that they are early 1960's, made as production but may not have been out for mass production. I also feel as tho they maybe modified Bonham's or possibly Genco, just do to the fact I live in Salt lake city and Bonhams out of Provo and Genco from Ogden, Salt lake is right in the middle. I have gotten A LOT of feedback in FB groups, however still coming up empty on a SOLID lead.
ANY help and or input would be GREATLY appreciated, and if anyone has questions for me, I'm happy to answer..... LMK what everyone thinks, thanks in advance.

