New guy + Bikes

how much hp are those Victa motors putting out? are they horizontal shaft?

Victa made millions of 2 stroke engines that almost look identical in 125 and 160cc. They were vertically mounted for the mowers, but are easily turner onto there side buy just spinning the carby. I have a few different manuals and will look for claimed h.p. They are very small and simply made, but have a bit of a strange port setup. I know from experience they love a bit of extra compression by shaving the head. When i get a bit of time later a will scan a picture.
Here is a picture of one of my workshop manuals that shows both the Kirby engine and the Victa. Note the Victa shot is without the cover cowl. I couldn't find a Victa h.p rating but the Kirby is k7 (122cc)-3.5 h.p, and k9(143cc) - 4.25 h.p.
Just as a matter of interest Victa also made a freaky outboard motor that used there standard lawn mower engine and drove a so called jet unit. Here are some pic's of one of my ones.
