Vintage bike restoration, but what is it?

Started tearing down this old bike to take to the sand blaster for refinishing. Goign to start the slow restoration process. Im trying to figure out what it is however. I was a $20 special i picked up, to add to the collection. I have the other fork part,
its just soaking in WD40 since its seized. 21122363_10209704924768920_2598139870404448666_o.jpg 21083217_10209704912768620_2748178949742254092_o.jpg 21105897_10209704916248707_5479198259440889504_n.jpg
Chose a metallic blue color for the frame. replaced the for springs and have new chrome fenders and seat shocks on their way.
Decided to install a 5hp flatehat to stay somewhat period specifiy and avoid the predator swaps. going with a slightly different seat however,
but still with the leopard print. Seller on ebay makes them. 22042000_10209907190785444_1396537212621201133_o.jpg 21765088_10209907191265456_4746582913265340376_n.jpg 21994207_10209907191585464_4036265703221789865_o.jpg 21950884_10209907826281331_2551160348807836989_o.jpg s-l1600 (1).jpg
I reall wanted to use my GC160 on it, but im not a good enough welder to make a manifold for the Mikuni. I will be revisiting this idea and probably having my machinist TIG it for me. I lovk the look with out the shroud.
