1962 cover page for Micro Cycle Sales

Micro Cycle sales pamphlet about 1962
Likes: BJ Gray
A bunch of my friends bought micro cycles from Mr Katz the owner back in early 60s. They had two models the basis one and a Rebel that had front and rear shocks. It also had a more square tank that looked cool. It had a seat that curved up in the front and back. They were all red and had 4 stroke Clinton engines. The frame tended to break on the standard one. I had found one around 2007 in a lawnmower shop in Broken Arrow. They wouldn't sell it went back a year later to see if they would sell it and they told me someone bought it again! It was a Rebel too! It had a 2 stroke engine on it. I would have paid A LOT TO BUY IT if I had had the chance! It had finders on it, but I didn't think they looked that good. They were my first love UNTIL I saw my first Honda 50 super sport

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