The Restore Kid

Lil Indian I got when I got the Bonza BC 1500

another little racer tard I was pretty fond of at one point in time. Got in a nasty wreck with this one when the other motor and Rockford Chibi rear end and Port Polished racer briggs was still on it.. Drove to town maybe 5 times but drove back and forth to country ground to hunt mushrooms on it a lot that year.
Thats what I wondered at first too, but the mini mates all have welded solid pegs and a a plate on the front forks, but then again most all the Indians have bent handle bars too. :shrug: who knows?.. :lol: It was a pretty old bike though. That's why I always guessed earlier Lil Indian. SOME kind of Michrina creation I'm pretty sure.
im building a similiar frame style with an old briggs 3hp, cant figure out how to mount the throttle cable. i see now it comes in from the back.

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Lil Indian
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The Restore Kid
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