debriscreator Jul 19, 2011 87 warrior is a dumbass. he paid 80 bucks for a good tec hs35 and a hilliard clutch and hes still bitching.
87 warrior is a dumbass. he paid 80 bucks for a good tec hs35 and a hilliard clutch and hes still bitching.
8 8 87warrior917 Jul 18, 2011 AGAIN, where is my clutch i paid for a month ago???!!! You said you were shipping it like 3 diff times!
AGAIN, where is my clutch i paid for a month ago???!!! You said you were shipping it like 3 diff times!
8 8 87warrior917 Jun 22, 2011 I havent heard form you about my motor i paid for. You said you were "shipping" it sunday??
Leftythenub Jun 22, 2011 Where are you? I'm still waiting on my brake drum. It's been about two weeks since you "shipped" it.