Recent content by Jleon

  1. Jleon

    Motorized Bicycle Build Ideas

    Should have added there are some motorized bikes on the video.:doah:
  2. Jleon

    Motorized Bicycle Build Ideas

    Some cool stuff here.
  3. Jleon

    The WTF picture thread

    Obama Has a Bad Day!
  4. The WTF

    The WTF

    Obama has a bad day
  5. Jleon

    Freak Karts, Customs, Homemades, and Oddballs

    Amazing. Just no words.
  6. Jleon

    Old trail mini bikes-Do you have one?

    Can't wait to see the Trailcycles. I had one(my avatar) theres only been 2 or 3 others on this site.
  7. Jleon

    VINTAGE Fun Karts, Sidewalk Racers, Push Karts, Pedal Cars & Other Contraptions

    I made this for my friends son. Got some more things I made will post later if you are interested. Heck I'm going to do it anyway!
  8. 100_1046WS2


  9. freak_mini


  10. Jleon

    Another whatisit ...

    Where in MO? I'm near Springfield and could give you a hand with those forks.
  11. Jleon

    convetr a starter

    Maybe a small inverter.
  12. Jleon

    Unknown Trike

    This is on the top of a shed behind a repair shop. I could only get pics from the lot next door.
  13. Unknown Trike

    Unknown Trike

  14. Unknown trike

    Unknown trike

    3 wheeler?