Recent content by kroozer1

  1. K

    Central Mass Mini bike event August 7, 2021

    Attention all you New England Mini bike enthusiasts- August 7th, 2021, The G Vegas Rollers mini bike club of Gardner Ma will be hosting a mini bike show and swap meet. Save the date. Judging on several categories with prizes awarded. Food, music and good times all part of the plan. Stay tuned...
  2. K

    NOVA Mini Bike (Super Sport Edition)

    Guys, I am not sure i understand the problem correctly, but if it is what I think, firstly chase the threads with a die and get the threads as clean as possible. Then compress the spring first in a press, vise etc, wire the spring closed tight, install the springs and tighten them up tight...
  3. K

    Mini bike show this summer?

    With the corona virus making a mess out of everything, I wondered had anyone else thought of throwing together a mini bike show this late summer? My home town of G Vegas Ma. has canceled almost all the events they do during the summer. I am going to try to put on a mini bike/ moped show open to...
  4. K

    Mini bike show this summer?

    Mariah, I am not sure about insurance as the bikes will not be running, but as far as a place to hold it, how about a car dealership. I was the factory rep for one of the big three automakers in Detroit (Deerborn) . A lot of times, the dealers WANT the public coming to their lot, potential...
  5. K

    Mini bike show this summer?

    Dear fellow riders- With all the complications to peoples every day lives from Corona virus this spring, there are a lot of people and families that will not be going on vacation this summer. No Money, nervous about travel, etc. Has any one thought about putting on a mini bike show in their home...
  6. K

    Fraudulent Mini bike parts sales on EBAY

    Itype2slo, I have a funny feeling you didn't read the original discussion. It has nothing to do with Chinese vs American etc. I in fact have a 6.5 predator on one of my boonie bikes. The other is a 5 HP Tecumseh. The discussion is that to an unknowing buyer, he sees a frame for a Boonie bike at...
  7. K

    Fraudulent Mini bike parts sales on EBAY

    Bruces, you seem to be missing the point. If you have a Rupp and a guy is selling a speedway mini bike parts, they are not going to fit. Just as a 7 HP engine will NOT fit in the frame of most of the Rupps. 70-76 had a tilted mounting plate, only 4 HP small frame Tecumsehs will fit. MINI...
  8. K

    Heald Super Bronc

    Bensid, if you want to get the frame down to bare metal, try paint stripper or if you want to try something kool, try electrolysis. Actually some very good videos on you tube. Need a big plastic tub, a battery charger, some washing soda and some steel rods. Watch the video on you tube. Paint...
  9. K

    Fraudulent Mini bike parts sales on EBAY

    Guys thanks for the comments. I am most likely one of the older riders in this group. I come from a different time when a man's word meant something. I guess you the next generation of riders don't see it as a bad thing. But what if you were a newbie, saved up for a mini bike and then ended up...
  10. K

    Heald Super Bronc

    Bensid, I don't know what you a want to do with the Super Bronc, but 13 HP is RIDICULOUS!!! I have 2 1969 Heathkit Bonnie Bikes, a cousin of your bike. 5 HP is plenty. Even a 6.5 predator is plenty, which is on one of my bikes. I have fitted one with a torque converter, which gives me plenty of...
  11. K

    Fraudulent Mini bike parts sales on EBAY

    Dear Fellow Mini bikers- I have recently and way too frequently come across some EBAY sellers misrepresenting vintage Mini Bike parts as Rupp or Boonie Bikes etc. We have one dealer in Michigan selling frames and parts that are not Rupp, yet he clearly puts Rupp in the add title. He has multiple...
  12. K

    71 Sears Roeper rebuild-possible to use a Tecumseh HS 30?

    Great Job on the bike. Looks like brand new. Tip of the hat to you. Something to be proud of. KRJ