Who is planning to build a mini in 2024?

I'm planning to build a bike this winter and spring. We don't have a build off set up, so I guess I will just start a build/ backyard engineering thread in the Projects & Rides forum. I am planning to build part of a frame to mate up with a partial frame I got from Ebay. Rear suspension, Clinton Panther 2 smoker with TAV turning the rear tire. Front might have leading link suspension with a Tecumseh TC200 weed twister engine pulling the front tire.
Neither one of these engines has much pulling power, so why not make twice as much noise?:scooter:
I will post my build thread on the first of the year and post pictures of my barnyard bike as I make progress. You guys will see my son, Will getting dirty on this project.
Have a happy and safe weekend. See you next year!
Post your projects! Have fun and be safe. Dave
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That will be a great project! Please start a build thread in Projects & Rides in January.
I would love to follow along!
Yours is further along than mine but it's not a competition it's a hobby!


Well-Known Member
I'm all over the place with builds. Today I straightened the forks for a Roper, made a piece for my Bonanza handle bars, cleaned up a set of gopowers and ordered new bushings for my Gilson's jackshaft. I'm going to take 3 frames to the powder coater this week, a Bonanza, a Trail Horse and the Roper. And I still have the Lil Indian I had powder coated a couple months back. Nothing but fun. I'll get something done this year...maybe.


Well-Known Member
Do you find them online, or just drive up and ask when you see one in a yard?
Most of the bikes came from Facebook. I have a couple friends who watch Facebook and send me messages since I don't have it,then I buy them on my wife's account. The roper I just bought off my brother, along with a speedway and Cheeftah a few years ago. I usually get the cheapest pieces of crap out there but I'm okay with aftermarket parts and 5hp briggs are everywhere here. I have a guy who blasts and powder coats a bike for 125.00. I've got several projects going on at the same time but I'm in no hurry to finish them, I have 5 runners so I ride whenever it's warm. Im just having fun. I figure if I get these stripped junkers, blast and coat them, even if I never finish them, I've saved them for at least another 50 years.
Need to go north to get parts very soon to finish this project so I can move on …..
to these……
hoping to finish all these up in the next 2-3 years…then just sit back and relax….

the blue one hanging there is very special…to me….its a 1967…the painted fenders and chain cover, only year I believe!!…as it became cheaper to plate them from 68 on than to keep a painter on the books just to paint mini bike parts….crazy how times have changed!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to set realistic goals for my projects. I have far more ideas than I have time to complete them. Lots of dirt bike and camping plans but my mini bike plans are a bit modest. I plan on bringing my son's mini bike back to life for him. It's been parked and unused in my basement for 8-10 years. Built it for him in the 1980s when he was a youngster. Needs a small amount of TLC to get it running again. Only deadline is have it running for the next Oley event. Hope to see some of you there again. Cool event


Well-Known Member
That will be a great project! Please start a build thread in Projects & Rides in January.
I would love to follow along!
Yours is further along than mine but it's not a competition it's a hobby!
Well now you got me digging out parts. I'm going to go ahead and start build threads on the ones I've started so I can update as I go to show where I'm at and add some pictures along the way. Happy new years :)....


Well-Known Member
Hoping to get out to the garage some this winter to have my hodgepodge CT70 ready for camping season 2024. I'm raiding the engine and a few other components out of this chinese mini chopper. I'm attempting to make it a budget build, but so far I haven't been doing too well. So far I'm over my original budget. Lined up behind that got my childhood go-kart I want to restore, build my own mini bike frame from scratch, and I've been neglecting my '74 Nova. I just need to get out in the garage and start turning wrenches and welding.


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