Search results

  1. Newoldstock

    natioanl holidays

    It is getting close to that day when all the world wishes they were American. We all love the way you celebrate the birth of your nation in the USA. So tell us your plans for the event! Get your video cameras out and show us how you celebrated ( better have some fireworks chums! ) Now if...
  2. Newoldstock

    Sugar rockets

    Anyone here got any advice for me? I am into my second batch of test engines and I am having trouble with low performing propellant.
  3. Newoldstock

    The Existential Crisis

    Gosh its been a hard day here. The kind of day that makes you question "what am I doing and why did these seemly unrelated and untimely combination of odd events lead me here". In light of my inability to sleep trouble by developments of the day (a piss load of poor luck too ) I thought I...
  4. Newoldstock


    Let it all burn. Long live dear leader Trump too ( I feel based on my Father's opinion heavily armed old white man in Florida ). You reap what you sow and in the end you get democracy with all the weight of angry numbers when given a clear question and choice. I am pleased as punch to see...
  5. Newoldstock

    Krylon paint and sand blasting

    Is it just me or have any of you fellows found it to be very thin and unforgiving? 6 months into the clean up of my Onan BGE I have started to repaint it now. The Krylon just would not stick and the rust has come out everywhere. ( that's after a chemical strip mechanical scrub, soap water and I...
  6. Newoldstock

    Help for a good cause

    A chum of mine at work has a 12 year old foster kid and after seeing my bike the boy REALLY wants one. Not an easy thing to buy in my part of Canada. ( Canadian tire no longer sells them ) They were rare to almost never seen when I was a kid and now not any easier to find today. New ones are...
  7. Newoldstock

    Sad Dog diary

    I normally have little to add here but I found this and felt it should be re posted in the Off topic area.
  8. Newoldstock

    I wish I was 18 again

    Wonderful weather in the nickel city. I mowed the lawn and did my part for queen and empire ( mowed some other old girls yard, but hey I will be really old some day ). Ah my time now no wife no kids and no issues. The little black devil had a warm up run last week, hardly enough to say the oil...
  9. Newoldstock

    A beta test

    Just reading over at Bob's 4 cycle. Sneaks pulled over 15 hp on an unmodified series three carb. Lets build a Hemi .
  10. Newoldstock

    smoking hot deals

    Winter leaves me with time to ponder what to do next. I have been looking for something to build and let me tell you the pickins is slim comrades.... Minibike | Kijiji: Free Classifieds in Ontario. Find a job, buy a car, find a house or apartment, furniture, appliances and more! - Page 2...
  11. Newoldstock

    Different carbs

    People are fixated carbs and its always the same 3 issues with them The jets for the OEM carbs and drill them swap E tubes and otherwise screw them up in a steep learning curve. They buy tillotsons racing carbs and fret over turning screws and trying to make them idle. They buy slide carbs...
  12. Newoldstock

    Running for office

    Election time came and went here without much fanfare we got some change, not quite what I was hoping for. The winds of change will blow soon in the USA too. But I want a politician who speaks to me in these dark days. A strong man with vision and purpose. I think I found him in...
  13. Newoldstock

    Champion 224

    Today whilst browsing the local Cosco I notice this Champion generator with an unfamiliar 224cc small block 3650W/4500W Generator, 224CC - Champion Power Equipment It appears to be a Honda small block based clone. The displacement wars are back on. Anyone seen this engine up close?
  14. Newoldstock

    How do I delete photos ?

    I don't see a delete button and I would like to delete old picture and add new ones to replace them? The add is simple, but the delete???????
  15. Newoldstock

    Rust bucket

    Chum of mine dropped off an Onan Emerald plus generator last week. I have the inside of my sinus scraped out ( brain intact )and needed something to do I guess. What he described set my heart a twitter..... Green heavy flat twin generator my heart raced at the anticipation of owning another...
  16. Newoldstock

    Summer triangle

    Its hot and sticky outside/ Now I am old but I still recall a way to find where I was and were I was going..... So I thought. This evening with a small fire some beer and the wife'scell phone I tried to navigate as I did in the old days. I failed because I am FAT and LAZY. But if you...
  17. Newoldstock

    propylene oxide

    Anyone have a source of PPO in Ontario?
  18. Newoldstock

    Hitchbot's end

    Rise up and smite the robots now. Later they will be organized and ready.... Unknown assailant destroys hitchhiking robot in Philadelphia
  19. Newoldstock

    Model rockets

    I bought an arduino kit in May and have been reading, tinkering and watching what other people are doing. Back in the 70s I built a rocket kit but as I recall the rules of the range were to never point it at anything or orient it in a way that could cause it to cause damage or injury...
  20. Newoldstock

    Arduino ignition

    I found this and was so interested in the idea of combining a Tach, ignition and Data logger into one device I decided to buy a clone Arduino Mega for just this purpose. That and I can Monitor EGT, and an O2 sensor. Here is the article that peaked my interest. Arduino based small...