
  1. DeadPixel

    Are my calculations on compression for my 196 clone correct?

    Just checking to make sure I am not making a mistake on my compression. I am wondering if some one else can verify my calculation of my compression is correct. I am using a compression calculator for the math here. I am going to be building a 196 clone motor for a mini bike. I calculated the...
  2. Motra

    Gearing Calculations

    Here are some instructions I put together to calculate your bike's gearing. Everybody wants to know top speed so that's in there. What this includes that the "top speed calculators" don't is how much torque is actually put to the ground. That's the power that gets you moving. That's what gets...
  3. Motra

    Gearing Calculations

    I've been throwing some numbers together to get a better idea of gearing combinations. I'm interested in low geared off-road type bikes but I'd like to have a decent top speed too. It's good to see the numbers for comparisons. The DB-30 is a bike I have and this combination is fine for driving...