
  1. C

    Bay Area California Minibikes Wanted

    If you are in the area message me if you have things for sale because i love these old things and they are my passion
  2. I

    just wondering where everyones passion for small engines came from?

    my passion for small engines came 3 years ago when i got into kart racing with a 1986 margay chassis that was bent and beat up but i was in love with it. after about 2 years i upgraded to a 2005 margay not as beat up but still not perfect. im 14 and have this unreal passion for small engines...
  3. JamnJM

    Show us your other passion projects:

    Here's another of my toys (full fiberglass body '76 Mercury Capri 2 I used to drive on the streets of OC, Calif.): Racing at Irwindale Speedway
  4. R

    New Mini Bike passion in SO CAL

    Howdy guys! Well its official I have the disease. I just started building a mini bike this past week, and I'm loving it. I have no idea what the frame is, but the guy I got it from had just had it powder coated. Anyways, any tips or pointers would be appreciated. Thanks!