
  1. W

    WTB: Harley X90 Carb Dellorto SH2/20

    I am trying to get a Harley X90 up and running for my son, and I am needing some parts for my X90 Carb. I really just need to the throttle slide, but it is discontinuted. So I guess I will focus my search for a new carb insted. If anyone has one that would work....I don't care if it is the...
  2. W

    Del Lorto Sh2/20 Carb

    I picked up a project Harley X90. The bike is very complete, just missing a few parts...which happen to be very key parts. When inspecting the carb, it is missing the slide and cable adjuster. Can anyone recommend a place to start on finding such a piece? I have not had much luck in...