
  1. trinik7597

    max torque draggin skin clutch

    draggin skin clutch 3 sets of brand new springs , new spring holders , new shoes , two drums and 10 sprokets original paper work too everything included $110 shipped
  2. chipper

    Crocodile Skin Seat

    This is a one off custom that was created for my build off Roper .
  3. dw1973

    Premier Stinger and Draggin' Skin clutches

    Both in excellent condition with plenty of life left in them. Ship from 49235. Fit 3/4 in shaft, 35 chain. Stinger is $75 + ship. Draggin' Skin clutch with extra sprockets and green/brown/red springs is $110 + ship
  4. grindking

    does any1 rember tuff skin jeans

    i wish i had some photos of me as a kid i was aways wearing tuff skins with the really thick knee patches :hammer:
  5. C

    Draggin' Skin clutch vs. Premier Magnum

    As the title states, which one is better?
  6. Danceswith sheep

    Sheep skin seat

    I am in need of a custom sheep wool seat:wink: