Anything ever in Nor Cal.

Striggy, there may be a car/minibike event coming up soon just south of Los Banos. Couple hours from you. May be mini drags as well. I'll get you some info.


New Member
You got to be kidding! were a po dunk town here and we have all kinds of shows here bike shows/car/steam engine show next week our big hupla is in sept its called Walnut Valley Festival (Blue Grass) people come from all around the world why i'll never understand i'm not into that type of music but for all you pickers check out there sight
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a little town in KS is a lot different than the Bay Area. i can totally see that kind of stuff going on there, but not in an area like this. it's even hard to find a place that you can get away with doing more than 15 minutes of riding around here. cops are a constant worry when riding a mini bike in this area. :hammer:

we do have some festival type stuff around here but they're not the type of thing i'm into.