brothers $30 buy

It has an 8hp Briggs and a torque converter setup. I think its made by manco. Kinda cool but top heavy. He has the rack for it but we have to weld it back together.
It's fun to ride. I think were ganna build a small trailer for it and use it to go camping. It runs good after cleaning the carb bowl. He got it from some old lady who just wanted it gone.
i like these trikes, but personally hate the briggs, unreliable in my opinion. i would either look for a honda 9 or better or a harbor freight 13.5 electric start clone. something with lights and accesory power for a winch. and be able to pull whatever trailer without strain. the TAV tahts on there should be fine to handle the motor.

also, with all that space around the rear axle, i would run a higher large axle on a jack shaft, and 1:1 small sprockets between that and the axle. give you more gearing options and higher clearancea at the axle
Great machines. I had one with a comet transmission (forward nuetral reverse).

Drove right up the side of my wifes car last winter... they go over some stuff!:scooter:
The Briggs seems to run good so were probably not ganna change it out now. But I know what ya mean about unreliable I had the same engine on a ward's trike and always had carb problems. Never did get it running right. His seems to pull hard when ya get on it and It already has a lighting coil on it and a flywheel with the starter teeth and I have a starter laying around I told him he could have to make it electric start. Just need a battery and the wiring off a riding mower.