I would like to first of all...I would like to Thank Hent and everyone at OldMiniBikes for allowing and supporting this years "Build off". And I want to Thank everyone who participated in this years build. This includes everyone...finished bike...not finished..and even dropped out builds. I am honored to have been one of the mods to run this event. This years build had a record number of people join.....and tons of finished bikes. Each and everyone finished or not looked sweet and was very impressive to say the least. The conduct of everyone and all around fun and good nature was a great thing to see. This went almost too smooth if there is such a thing....and we appreciate that..:laugh:. We will be sorting through the threads and getting them in better order soon.
Thank you all, Bill aka Cheezy1 :thumbsup:
PS...The red nose list is almost updated..start setting your pride aside and get some pics. We will make a thread for just them soon.:clown:
Thank you all, Bill aka Cheezy1 :thumbsup:
PS...The red nose list is almost updated..start setting your pride aside and get some pics. We will make a thread for just them soon.:clown: