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How does Canadian Thanksgiving differ from The States Thanksgiving?
Canadian in bold.

Thanksgiving in America

Thanksgiving in Canada

Date of celebration
4th Thursday in November 2nd Monday in October

Four day weekend (Thursday - Sunday) Three day weekend (Saturday - Monday)

Thankful for God's bounty and the generosity of Native Americans Thank God for a good harvest

National Holiday
Yes -- Thanksgiving is observed in all 50 states in the U.S. No -- optional in Atlantic Canada (NL, NS, NB, PEI)

Thanksgiving was founded as a religious observance for all the members of the community to give thanks to God for a common purpose. Historic reasons for community thanksgivings are: the 1541 thanksgiving mass after the expedition of Francisco Vásque What started out as a religious feast about giving thanks for a bountiful harvest, has evolved into one of the most important weekends on the Canadian calendar.